Lakeside Pavilion Booking

The Lakeside Pavilion is available for you to reserve for your next family or civic function. We offer you the ease of hosting a party at the park while taking advantage of Eston Wilson Lake and other park features such as a boundless playground, soccer and softball fields, bird and animal watching, hiking and nature trails and a dog park. We have handicapped-accessible parking, fishing piers and picnic tables. You can expect to have your crowd of friends or family easily accommodated. Just go to this ready-made event setting and relax!
The pavilion has electricity and there is a potable water hose bib in proximity to the pavilion (next to lakeside pump house) for use. Bathrooms are also in proximity to the pavilion. Maximum capacity around the pavilion is 100 people.
Rules and Regulations:
- No phone reservations will be accepted (on-line booking ONLY).
- Bookings are accepted on a first come first served basis and are only final after payment is received (on-line).
- Permit will be granted on the condition that the permittee not interfere with the general use of the park by the public.
- The Permit is for non-commercial PAVILION rental only.
- Vehicles are not permitted on grass, fields and park walkways at any time.
- Swimming in the lake prohibited.
- There is potable water service near the pavilion (hose bib at pumphouse). Electricity is available (outlets in the pavilion posts).
- Gas and charcoal grills are allowed, but not provided.
- Alcohol is not allowed.
- No cancellations or refunds are given.